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Project Structure

To have a good software-architecture I can give you a short glimpse about how a React application should be structured. There is a framework called Next.JS, which always have some groundbreaking ideas on how to build things in React. They also defined a React application structure, which is, in my opinion, the current best structure. I think that, because I used it in three different React projects and it always went really well.

So here is the structure:


|- node_modules
|- public/
|   |- favicon.ico
|   |- index.html
|   |- robots.txt
|   |- imgs
|- src/
|   |- index.js
|   |- pages/
|   |   |- index.js
|   |   |- about.js
|   |   |- products/
|   |   |   |- index.js
|   |   |   |- [id].js
|   |- components/
|   |   |- Product.js
|   |   |- ProductList.js
|   |- clients/
|   |   |- productService
|   |   |   |- index.js
|   |   |   |- ...
|   |- contexts/
|   |   |   |- AuthenticationContext.js