Projektabgabe Pokecoin
How to farm pokecoins
To farm a pokecoin you need to find the next free block in the pokecoin-blockchain.
A block in the chain is represented by a JSON, for example:
"previousHash": "string", // previous hash
"data": "string", // random string
"timestamp": 0, // milliseconds since 01.01.1970
"nonce": 0 // random number (counts up)
It contains the previous hash, which can be received by GET /blockchain/lastBlock
some random data, a timestamp and a nonce.
If you want to calculate the hash of your new block you need to concat the information into a single string and the information has to be in the exact order as shown in the example:
const information =
previousHash + timestamp.toString() + data + nonce.toString();
const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(information).digest("hex");
// Result: fd884c1a84be6d4532f970cbea7baf6d5a66c8d7875d905b243d648b5b7d4f54
The blockchain has a difficulty, which can be received by GET /blockchain/currentDifficulty
The default difficulty is 6.
This means that your hash should have a prefix of 6 zeros, to have a hash AND be unique, so no other identic hash was added to the blockchain in the past.
For example, this would be a valid hash:
You can create a block with some random information and use the nonce to count up, until you receive a hash with 6 zeros for example.
Keep in mind, that while you create a new block, there could be another farmer which puts a new block onto the chain. So you have to pull the new block from the chain and use the last hash in your new block.
If you found a new block which contains the proper leading zeros, you can try to get lucky while appending the block with POST /blockchains/blocks