Shopping Exercise
Online Shopping has a really heavy impact on all industries around the world.
Therefore we try it ourselves and implement a small Node.JS shop, but in offline mode.
Let's start!
Add customer
Add a customer and ask for firstname, lastname, street, city, phone, email and then print out an incrementing customer number.
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
x: Exit
> 1
Firstname: Michael
Lastname: Tester
Street: Shoppingstreet 12
Postal Code: 123456
City: Shop
Phone: 0174 123 123
Customer #1 was added!
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
x: Exit
Add Product
Add a product with a product number, name, and a product price in cent amount. If you use a product number, which was already used, just overwrite it.
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
x: Exit
> 2
Number: s1
Name: Nintendo Switch
Price (in cents): 19999
Product #s1 was added!
If the Price in cents is not an integer, let the customer enter an integer until it's correct:
Number: 1
Name: Switch
Price (in cents): asdf
Please reenter a correct price as cents.
Price (in cents):
Add New Order
Create a new order and store the draft order in the current application until the user is able to save it with menu item 8
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
x: Exit
> 3
Please enter the customer number: 1
Order #1 was created
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
7: Add OrderItem
8: Save order
x: Exit
If the customer could not be found, let the user reenter the customer number until the correct customer number is entered:
Add OrderItem
Add an product with a specific amount to the current draft order.
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
7: Add OrderItem
8: Save order
x: Exit
> 7
Please enter the product number: 1
Please enter the amount: 3
If the product number does not exist, let the user reenter until the product can be found:
If the amount is not an integer, let the user reenter until it's an integer:
Save order
Saving the order just removes the possibility to add OrderItems to the current draft order.
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
7: Add OrderItem
8: Save order
x: Exit
> 8
Order was saved!
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
x: Exit
Print Customers
Just print out all customers.
*** Menu ***
1: Add Customer
2: Add Product
3: New Order
4: Print Customers
5: Print Products
6: Print Orders
x: Exit
> 4
│ (index) │ number │ firstName │ lastName │ street │ city │ postalCode │ email │ phone │
│ 0 │ '1' │ 'Test' │ 'Tester' │ 'Teststreet 12' │ '123456' │ 'Testcity' │ '' │ '0123456789' │
Print products
Print all products.
> 5
│ (index) │ number │ name │ price │
│ 0 │ 's1' │ 'Switch' │ Price { amount: 19999 } │
│ 1 │ 'p1' │ 'Playstation 4' │ Price { amount: 39999 } │
Print orders
Print all orders
Don't use
> 6
> 6
Order #1 for 1 - Test Tester
1x #s1 Switch - 199.99
3x #p1 Playstation 4 - 399.99
Sum: 1399.96
Order #2 for 2 - Another Testy
2x #s1 Switch - 199.99
1x #p1 Playstation 4 - 399.99
Sum: 799.97